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Make a Donation to ......

Whitstable Rotary in general or for a specific event

- such as the Ukrainian refugees


The Rotary Club of Whitstable ChaUkraine_poster.jpgrity Trust is registered with HMRC Reference ZD07990. Customer account ref 012069601 thus provided you are a UK taxpayer and donation you give us is increased by 25% by the UK Government. Not a trifle sum when added together. To obtain out a Gift Aid form if you need one, contact  our Treasurer


 Due to the terrible war in Ukraine and the consequential evacuee situation, Whitstable Rotary is, and will be, doing many things to help and raise money. We are not opening a separate charity account for Ukraine but will contine to use our existing charity account, however our This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it , will ofcourse keep the money donated/raised for Ukrainian refugees separately - this is just a simple book-keeping excercise!

If you do not have a PayPal account it is very easy to join them, costs nothing and is quick  & easy. If for some reason you prefer to pay by other means please contact our This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it


 General Donation

We have and will continue to support many charities -  mainly local, but national and international also. If you have a specific charity in mind that you would like to donate to, please specify this with your donation, otherwise the donation will be added to our Charity Fund and will be distributed according to demands.

The BIG advantage in using Paypal vs. other sites like Just Giving for example,  is that Paypal takes NO COMMISSION i.e. what you pay, we receive!

Before any money is given by us to non-charities, the person(s) is investigated fully (by us) to ensure they actually need help and money is usually never given to deserving individuals unless we have evidence that they have worked hard themselves to raise some money, except in very exceptional circumstances where this may not be possible - even then, we expect friends or relations to have initiated something. 


So click on this URL  below or go to your Browser and type ....


initially and the process continues asking you to login to your PayPal account and then the rest is obvious.


Please ensure you keep the email PayPal sends to you confirming your payment and please email this to us ( This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it ) when necessary - depends on the event - as when the money is transferred to our PayPal account (end of the month usually, NOT when you transfer), there is no indication as to who has made the donation - and unless we access the PayPal account we do not even know someone has made a donation! This is very important as I am not sure, when one pays, there is a reference position available for you to identify what the payment/donation is for or from.  After receiving the PayPal confirmation email from you, we would normally confirm back to you, but please contact us if you do not hear from us within a few days after your payment  (if you have sent us your PayPal confirmation )

Although PayPal are very quick in sending the confirmation email to you - it normally takes a few weeks before it arrives in our PayPal account, which we can then transfer to our Charity account at our bank


 T h a n k  Y o u


P.S. Ukraine !! Each of the surrounding countries to Ukraine i.e Poland, Hungary, Romania etc. have a "District" of many Rotary clubs, as we do here in the UK. Each of these Rotary Districts (one District per country in Central Europe) have set up a fund(s) that we can transfer money directly to.  Our District  (1120) has already forwarded £5000 to Poland (2231) as they have received the largest tranche of refugees - for them to purchase what is needed - both for refugees in Ukraine, and for those that have managed to depart.  Much more will follow!  This process has several advantages .....

i) They are directly involved with the refugees and so are in a position to know exactly what their needs are

ii) They have oganised "local" transport to Ukraine (while channels are still open) where the cost if not free, is significantly lower than say sending articles from the UK, and no Customs problems. 

iii) Resident Ukrainians do not need money - there is nothing to buy now in Ukraine!

iv) All Rotarians are volunteers, unlike major charities, and so any costs are minimal, if not completely zero

v) They can bulk buy to reduce the cost, but many companies are supplyig at cost price for Ukraine.




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