The amounts of money involved can range from as little as £100 to several thousand, it may be for a child's school trip, new sports kit, a specialist piece of equipment for a disabled person, or a community project. The funds may be for local, national or international use.
These are just some of the organisations Whitstable Rotarians have helped over the last few years:
Joy Lane School
Teenage Cancer Trust
Whitstable Sea Cadets
Demelza House
Phoenix Performing Arts
Kiswa Children Uganda
Pilgrims Hospice
British Legion
Westbere Sailing Opportunities
Kent Music School
Tools With a Mission
Hounds for Heroes
Mercy Ships
The organisation of Rotary is involved in many worthy projects across the world, so whatever the scale of your funding requirement, please do not hesitate to ask, because even if we are not able to help through our Whitstable club, we may be able to help in another way. A typical example of this is:-
The Rotary Foundation Ambassadorial Scholarship program for students
The Ambassadorial Scholarships program promotes international understanding and friendly relations among people of different parts of the world.
The scholarships sponsor undergraduate and graduate students, as well as qualified professionals pursuing vocational studies. While abroad, scholars serve as goodwill ambassadors to the country where they study and give presentations about their own culture to Rotary clubs and other groups.
Back home, scholars share with Rotarians and others the experiences that deepened their understanding of another culture.
The 2010-11 class of Ambassadorial Scholars received US$9.6 million through individual grants of $25,000. Since 1947, a total of $532 million has been awarded to 41,000 men and women.
Through their generous contributions, Rotarians worldwide show a continued faith that today’s scholars will be tomorrow's community and world leaders.
For further details, please visit:
If you think we might be able to help raise funds for your project, please contact Cummunity Services Chairman This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it including as many details and costings of your project as possible.