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Tuesday 28 April 2015, 18:15
by  This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it Hits : 2311

Myself (Emma Slade) and the charity co-founder Adrienne Shaw will attend. 

We will give a short powerpoint presentation if this works for you in terms of having a small table for projector and wall to project on. We can bring our own computer and projector.

The presentation will include some information on Bhutan as a country and then on our charity work there. 

Full details of our charity are at and we will bring flyers on the day.

We are a fundraising initiative started by 2 Whitstable Mums to help impoverished children in the Himalayan Kingdom of Bhutan. I was personally asked to help some young boys from disrupted backgrounds being educated as monks in a poor part of Southern Bhutan. Providing mattresses, bedding, clothes, food, health and cooking equipment for this project is our first goal. 

Then we wish to provide them with a toilet and shower which they don't currently have. 

Then we wish to make their small sleeping area wind proof and fully habitable. 

Once we have completed our first project we will expand our work to children in the local village who are also living in great poverty (I have attached a couple of helpful photos to show you the local conditions).

Michael Rutland OBE, the British representative to Bhutan is aware of our efforts and is fully backing them.


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